Van Horn Helps CORE Treatment Services With Transportation Needs

October 12th, 2020 by

Van Horn shares a passion for helping those with addiction get on the road to recovery. CORE Treatment Services is a nonprofit, 16-bed residential and day-treatment AODA (Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse) treatment center in Manitowoc that provides evidenced based treatment to individuals who struggle with substance abuse and/or co-occurring mental health conditions.

van horn gives core treatment servicesVan Horn was informed that CORE Treatment Services needed transportation assistance to get residents to their appointments throughout the area. Until recently, the staff was using their personal vehicles to take individuals to meetings, medical appointments and run errands.

Van Horn Automotive assisted with the donation of a Chevy Express, 12-passenger van to make transportation more efficient. Chris Gilbert, Co-Executive Director of CORE Treatment Centers explains, “We believe that when you treat the individual, you treat the community; and its important that we have the means to take individuals outside their residence to connect with others and fulfill commitments.” Chris adds, “The current COVID-19 pandemic has been especially difficult for our residents, and its important that they have the means to socialize in a constructive environment.”

Teresa Van Horn, Co-CEO of Van Horn Automotive Group, helped arrange the van donation in partnership with the Van Horn Commercial Fleet team. “We have employees within our own organization who have dealt with addiction, and we wholly support their journey to achieving a sober lifestyle and achieving their full potential,” said Teresa.

“Organizations like CORE Treatment Services are a critical component to a strong community.”

If you know someone struggling with addiction or substance abuse, please contact CORE Treatment Services at

Posted in Van Horn Gives